A year that went by
Wishing my readers a wonderful, happier new year 2013. I dedicate the year 2012 to Dr. Anoop. My close friend. One of my dearest. Yesterday, on the last day of 2012 was his Phd defense. We became friends during the first day of our MTech. Both of us were from Kerala and we stayed in the same hostel at IIT. Anoop was the motivation behind me joining Phd. I cherished the time spent in the labs, discussions - technical and non-technical, innumerable holiday trips, an excellent 15 day trek and many more. He was the one who kept me going at times of depression. But eventually I got bored of research and joined a job, converting to part-time Phd. Even then Anoop was the motivation for me going to IIT and continuing research. When job became more interesting and rewarding than research, I decided to say good-bye to IIT. I am glad that Anoop continued it with full rigour and came out with flying colors. Three cheers for Dr. Anoop C. Nair!!!